Upstairs at La CASA

Live Music - Upstairs @ La Casa

Once a week there will be a showcase of some of our great local independent artists. Each artist will be bringing their blend of music and artistry to an intimate session with the audience. No big loud amplifiers or bright lights but a close up and personal performance.

It will be an opportunity to see see your favourite performers (and discover some new ones). It will be an intimate session in homely surroundings.

There will be a cover charge ranging from $15 - $30. This will support the artists who bring us so much joy with their music, and hopefully get them back into the studio to record their next great works. The cover charge will also discourage those annoying few who like to talk during a performance. The idea is to create an atmosphere that is mutually relaxed and enjoyable for artist and audience.

A package deal (performance & meal) can also be included where you may enjoy a meal downstairs in the serene surroundings with my wonderful, mad family and then venture upstairs for the evening’s show. Or you can just have pizzas & antipasto upstairs prior to the show.

Upstairs @ La Casa will be a unique performance space sharing the things that really count – good food and wine and great live music.

Concert venue